Classifying Contact "Types"
What is a Contact “Type”?
A Contact Type in CareFunnels is a categorization/label used to distinguish different kinds of contacts based on their role, relationship, or purpose within CareFunnels.
Inbound Phone Calls and Form Submittals create New Contacts in CareFunnels
Inbound Calls and Form Submittals from existing contacts (matching phone number and/or matching email) DO NOT create new contacts.
Form Submittals
When someone applies to a job on your website, or completes a form expressing interest in employment, CareFunnels automatically categorizes the Type as Caregiver
When someone completes a form expressing interest in home care, CareFunnels automatically categorizes the Type as Client.
Inbound Calls
When someone calls you for the first time using a phone number in CareFunnels, CareFunnels automatically categorizes the Type as Uncategorized.
Manual Action by CareFunnels User:
Set the Type as Caregiver for the following Contacts:
Prospective Caregiver
Job Applicant
Interested in Employment (qualified or not qualified)
Current Caregiver
Former Caregiver
Set the Type as Client for the following Contacts:
Prospective Client (qualified or not qualified)
Current Client
Former Client
Family Member or Primary Contact of Prospective Client (qualified or not qualified)
Family Member or Primary Contact of Current Client
Family Member or Primary Contact of Former Client
Set the Type as Referral Source for the following people:
Current Professional Referral Source
Prospective Professional Referral Source
Set the Type as Other for the following people:
Sales Calls
Wrong Number
Spam Calls
Contacts that do not fit Caregiver, Client or Referral Source as defined above.